As a Freelance Microsoft Office VBA Developer, I needed to have, as a friend says, “wicked mad computer skills” if I was to succeed. Yes, I’ve been a developer a long time though I’ll be the first to admit no one knows everything, and no one is Omni-talented (good at all things). Knowing your limitations is just as important as knowing your skills. That knowledge was reinforced on a client’s project recently.
1) Are you swamped and need to be freed up to tackle other tasks? A timely response to client needs are a critical part of a successful practice.
2) Will bring in outside help permit accepting larger more diverse projects requiring a range of skills some of which you don’t have? The greater the types of work you can successfully complete and the more work you will have.
3) Are there time sensitive delivery requirements (exactly what happened in the example)? I hate tight deadlines. Bringing in help on my Word project relieved a great deal of stress.
4) Will you benefit from having a network of on demand help? Let’s face it, throw some work to a colleague and you’ve built or reinforced a relationship that you can call upon in the future.
5) Will your business benefit from getting more done at a lower cost with a global pool of talent? The reality: If I can get some of the work done for a lower price, I can pass those costs along to the client. Guess what, sometimes that work happens overnight. 24-hour productivity is a powerful tool.
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If you have a challenge with Excel, Access or Word and would like to speak with Ray, You can get his contact details by clicking here: Contact Me